Welcome mommy! We understand life's challenges. It's not easy working, running a household, and maintaining your Diva status. Here, we'll share all things mommy, as well as tips on keeping your Diva-tude. Personally as a working mom, I have days, sometimes weeks where I feel like I'm drowning. I have found planning and organization to be my best friends. On the weekends I plan my outfits as well as my youngest kiddo and I have my teenager select her clothes for the week. This includes items that are hard to find at the last minute like socks (at least that's what my kids have a hard time finding). I know it's the weekend, time to unwind but just taking an hour or less can save your sanity getting ready in the mornings. I even like to match my jewelry with my outfits ahead of time, so everything flows. I don't like to forget my accessories. One of the things I hate the most is forgetting my earrings; I feel naked all day. Here's a tip for that: select a neutral pair of earrings and a necklace, place them in a velvet pouch or mini-jewelry box, and keep it in the car. Just remember to replace them for next time.
Organization is a beautiful gift. When you know where everything is, it's easy to find things quickly and go. Saying this is easy, but getting my family to put things back where they found them is another story. Here are a few tips to stay organized:
1. Get rid of things you don't wear and don't bring you joy any more. Be careful holding onto too many things that hold sentimental value. Try to purge everyone's closet seasonally. This allows you to stay abreast of what is needed. If you have a photo baby girl wearing the adorable dress, you don't necessarily need the dress too.
2. Make daily used items easily accessible. The kids backpacks, your keys, and your purse should be stored neatly, but accessible.
3. Maintain a to do list. This doesn't mean to put absolutely everything you need to do for the month on a list. This could be too overwhelming. You can map out your big thins for the month on a calendar. Then prioritize your items for the week or the day on a list.
4. Do little tasks daily. Making your bed, clearing the sink of dishes, keeping your calendar up to date and cleaning off the counter tops are some examples.
5. Take time to breathe. Declutter your mind at night so you can be ready for the next day. Keep a notepad by your bed at night for things that pop into your head; things to remember. It's easier to relax when you've cleared your brain space. Mommy when you are organized and have a plan, it's easier to be the Diva you were meant to be. Stay connected for more conversation on mommying, tips, and more.